Fujifilm GFX 100s vs X-T5 Image Quality Tests

Hey everyone. Here are the results of my image quality testing between the GFX 100s and the Fuji X-T5.

You can Download the RAW and Jpeg Sample Images HERE. So you can daw your own conclusion.

For this test, I used the GFX 100s with the Sigma 105mm f1.4 (Fringer GFX-EF Adapter was used) On the X-T5 I used the Fuji 56mm f1.2 WR. These seemed to be the closest focal lengths for the field of view and the depth of field was pretty close. My main goal was to keep the same distance from my subject. I cropped 22×17 and recomposed the crops so the images would look as close as possible for print. I used the Canon Prograf-1000 with 22×17″ Canon Pro Luster Paper and Ink Owl’s refill kit for the ink.

Resolution Comparison When Printed

For the first test, I exported the prints in full resolution and then I also added in an enhanced Super Resolution for the X-T5 changing the original pixel ratio from 5152 x 6667 pixels to 10,304 x 13,335 pixels. The GFX 100s image was 7936 x 10,270 pixels. These were the dimensions after exporting to jpeg and cropping for print.

In this link you can access the RAW images, the Jpeg before-print images, and then images of the actual prints. So please go and check them out so you can find your own results.

My thoughts are that the GFX provided me with a really fun perspective that stands out and is native high resolution. The X-T5 provides plenty of resolution and can be enhanced the take it even further. This is not a focus test review but I do find that the X-T5 is a much much easier camera to use based on a much better AF system and it is so compact. These are just my thoughts and this test is to help you decide what works best for you.

GFX vs XT-5

High ISO Comparison When Printed

For this second test, I wanted to compare the high ISO capabilities when printed. I know that the GFX is the best high-ISO performer when looking at pixels, but I wanted to see what happened when I print them.

I captured these images at 8000 ISO and 1/160th. The GFX 100s had the 105mm @f1.4 and the X-T5 had the 56mm @f1.2. I also used the Enhance feature in light for noise reduction at 20%. So you can see all three images. The room was really dark with some available window light. Use the link above to download the RAW images, Edited Jpegs, and photos of the prints to draw your own conclusion.

GFX 100s vs X-T5 High ISO


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